Design and rezoning: 2014 - 2017
Construction phase units 9 & 10: 2017 - 2019
Construction phase units 5 to 8: 2019 - 2022
Construction phase units 11 to 14: under construction
Unit size: 1,500 SF per unit (2-story); 2.250 SF per unit (3-story)
20 units in 10 twin homes
Lot size: 2 acres, 87,000 SF
Sales cost per unit: $160,000 / $106 per SF - 180,000 / $120 / SF
Designed to HERS 40 or better
Site Development, Architecture, and Energy Performance Simulation:
Atelier Jörg Rügemer
Client: Salt Lake Valley Habitat for Humanity
Landscape Architecture: Voda Landscape + Planning, Salt Lake City
Structural Engineer: Nishkian Monks, Consultants, and Structural Engineering,
Bozeman, MT
Structural Insulated Panels: Blue Sky Insulations, Belgrade, MT
Contractor: Salt Lake Valley Habitat for Humanity
Photo credits: Paul Richer, Richer Images; Atelier Jörg Rügemer